It is a well-known fact by everybody that it is really important to promote the students’ creativity in class which improves the ability to discover ideas that change some people or the whole world. There are many things that teachers can do to encourage creativity in class which include increasing motivation, providing a comfortable environment, and encouraging group discussions.

First, teachers should enhance the students’ motivation to make them more creative since students can produce their own ideas about the subject if teachers make them more interested about it. That is to say, teachers can use such materials in the classroom that not only attracts their attention but also make them express their own ideas and feel that their thoughts are valuable. If students are valued and praised by their teachers, they get highly motivated and have the courage to create new ideas.

Second, teachers should establish a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom in order to have their students think in a more relaxed way because students are afraid to produce and express their own ideas if they are under stress. In other words, the attitude of the teacher plays a very important role in creating an environment in which students think freely. For example, teachers can encourage students to do brainstorming in class not to restrict their ideas.

Group Discussions
Third, encouraging group discussions in the classroom is another way of promoting creativity as students can share their ideas with their classmates in a group and learn from each other. For instance, a student may know a fact that the others do not know, and he or she can share it with the rest of the group. So, group discussions increase the confidence of the students who create ideas about a subject.
All in all, high motivation, a comfortable atmosphere and group discussions are very important to promote creativity in a class. Therefore, providing them in a classroom is one of the primary roles of teachers if they want to increase creativity of their students.