How to Write an Effective Letter of Application
Letter of application is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. The letter should present what you can offer the employer, rather than what you want from the job.
There are two types of application letters.
A solicited letter is sent in response to a help-wanted ad. It must be composed with distinction because it will be in competition with hundreds of other letters. In addition, it must refer to the ad and the specific job advertised.
An unsolicited letter is sent to a company for which you want to work. The advantage of this type of application is that there will be little or no competition and you can define the position you want to apply for.
Some tips for an effective letter of application
- A letter of application must communicate your ambition and enthusiasm. But it must be modest as well.
- It should be neither aggressive nor too soft.
- Do not pat yourself on the back or ask for sympathy.
- Never express dissatisfaction with a present or previous job or employer.
- You should also avoid discussing your reasons for leaving your last job.
- Unless instructed by the want ad, do not mention the salary you want. Even if the ad requires that you mention your salary requirements, it is advisable to call them “negotiable”.
The following principles will be helpful while writing your letter of application.
1. Start by attracting attention. Try to avoid a mundane opening and try something original.
For example: Instead of writing “I would like to apply for the position of…” You can start with “I believe you will find my experiences in the… have prepared me well for the position of…”
2. Continue by describing your qualifications. Emphasize your strengths and achievements and say how they suit you for the job.
3. Assure the employer that you are the person for the job. State verifiable facts that prove you are not embellishing about yourself. You can mention the names of prominent references you have.
4. Conclude by requesting an interview. Mention your telephone number or e-mail address in order to urge the employer to action by making it easy to contact you.
Finally, for a complete application, it will be most professional to include both a letter of application and a résumé.